so aparently some random dev from apple left his dev iphone 4G at a bar near the apple headquarters last night. i know, i know...sounds a bit crazy. but this, ladies and gentlmen, IS the new iphone that is going to come out. i am using the engadget article because i like engadget, but gizmodo has had some exclusive content and pics of it in the wild. im excited because of how pretty this phone is. to me, its a lot like a blackberry 9700 got together with an iphone 3gs, they had a baby, and out popped the iphone 4g. nothing really set in stone as to who the carrier is and other hardware specs. it does sport a removable flash memory port and supposedly a much larger battery than the other previous iphones although it is skinnier than previous iphones.
thank you engadget and gizmodo!!!!!
click the title or copy n paste this.....